Bridge Mortgage

Stay flexible and easily obtain a bridge mortgage within a few days

Has your bank let you down and is unwilling to increase your existing mortgage? Fortunately, there’s the Bridge Mortgage from the Swiss Property Owners Association.

How does the bridge mortgage work?

A bridge mortgage is designed to cover short-term liquidity shortages, such as when purchasing a new property or when immediate capital is needed. Where the bank is unwilling to continue, this mortgage comes into play.


We will provide you with a concrete offer within 48 hours of inspecting the property. The bridge mortgage is paid out within a few days.


We are not a bank, so the process is entirely straightforward. Of course, we do not take any unconsidered risks.


Our service is highly discreet and does not stir up any dust.


Based on a market-conform valuation of your property and considering a risk premium, we offer you a fair deal.

The many advantages of our bridge mortgage

  1. You quickly gain liquidity and flexibility: For example, if you want to purchase a replacement property.
  2. You avoid the cumbersome journey to the bank: Often preventing a rejection.

  3. You receive reasonable terms, even free of charge within a sales mandate: Here too, our association’s philosophy positively comes into play.